Since its creation in Mars 1978, the folk group, "La Veillée Limousine", non-profit-making association, seeks to make known the traditions of the Limousin.
It trains a great family of forty impassioned, at the same time dancers, storytellers, singers and musiciens , and occurs in spectacles of all kinds, banquets and festivals.
It is in costumes which carried its aïeux (medium 19th, beginning 20th century) that it maintains the traditions of the province of the Limousin.

" La Veillée Limousine ", association declared under number 46-783 is member of :
- "Fédération nationale du Folklore Francais" (FNFF).
- "Commission du Folklore de la Ligue Auvergnate et du massif central".

Siège social : Maison du Limousin


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Conception GDB pour la Veillée Limousine.